Questions running though my head:
What is wrong with gay couples existing? A lot of people say that it's "gross" or "unnatural" to be gay. Well I don't really understand this. They are people just as everyone else is. But think about this, I would rather see a happy gay or lesbian couple, rather than see a trashy man beating up on his girlfriend. So who is really the "weird" one here?
What the heck are parents teaching young men these days? Has chivalry completely died?! I am done dating and/or being around men who aren't gentleman. I fully expect them to open my doors and be polite to me. I want to be treated like a princess or a "beautiful daughter of God". Whatever. It's not like I expect them to bow down to me or anything, I just want respect. Quit looking at porn and learn what a three dimensional woman is like and how you should treat her. Enough said.
P.S. Feel free to leave comments with your lovely brutally honest thoughts.
food for thought: maybe chivalry is dead because the extreme feminists of the world are killing it... jussayin... :)